удобная штуковина благодаря аплоаду фоток на гуглофотки или яхуфотки, но блин камеру так и не смог научить прикручивать в режиме ptp - пока только gtkam.
то что вылезло при сборке:
ERROR: gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.12.3 failed* ERROR: gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.12.3 failed. * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 49: Called src_compile * environment, line 2645: Called gnome2_src_compile * environment, line 2019: Called gnome2_src_configure * environment, line 2033: Called econf 'src_compile' 'src_compile' * ebuild.sh, line 513: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * die "econf failed" * The die message: * econf failed * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant. * A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.12.3/temp/build.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.12.3/temp/environment'. * Messages for package gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.12.3: * ERROR: gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.12.3 failed. * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 49: Called src_compile * environment, line 2645: Called gnome2_src_compile * environment, line 2019: Called gnome2_src_configure * environment, line 2033: Called econf 'src_compile' 'src_compile' * ebuild.sh, line 513: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * die "econf failed" * The die message: * econf failed * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant. * A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.12.3/temp/build.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.12.3/temp/environment'.
ERROR: dev-lang/mono- failed:* If you are using any hardening features such as * PIE+SSP/SELinux/grsec/PAX then most probably this is the reason * why build has failed. In this case turn any active security * enhancements off and try emerging the package again * ERROR: dev-lang/mono- failed. * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 49: Called src_compile * environment, line 2896: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * die; * The die message: * (no error message) * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant. * A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/mono-'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/mono-'. * Messages for package dev-lang/mono- * ERROR: dev-lang/mono- failed. * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 49: Called src_compile * environment, line 2896: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * die; * The die message: * (no error message) * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant. * A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/mono-'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/mono-'. * If you are using any hardening features such as * PIE+SSP/SELinux/grsec/PAX then most probably this is the reason * why build has failed. In this case turn any active security * enhancements off and try emerging the package again * GNU info directory index is up-to-date. |
после чудеса с песочницей:---------- ACCESS VIOLATION SUMMARY -------- LOG FILE = "/var/log/sandbox/sandbox-10973.log" unlink: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc open_wr: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc unlink: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc open_wr: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc unlink: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc open_wr: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc unlink: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc open_wr: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc unlink: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc open_wr: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc unlink: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc open_wr: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc unlink: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc open_wr: /usr/share/xml2po/docbook.pyc -------------------------------------------
что потребовалось:
emerge gnome-doc-utils
emerge XML-Parser
emerge mono
emerge libxml2
и подобные:
echo "media-gfx/f-spot ~amd64" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords